Optative Sentences to Passive Voice with Solved Exercise

Optative Sentences to Passive Voice; Learn optative sentences to passive voice by definitions, examples, formulas, rules, tricks, and exercises.

Optative Sentences to Passive Voice with Solved Exercise

Optative Sentences to Passive Voice

Definition of Optative Sentence

It shows a prayer, wish, or curse, etc. It starts with ‘may’. The solution of these sentences is different because there are some different rules but the rules are very easy and straightforward. Therefore, follow the formula and rule to get the mark. Most importantly, keep in mind the sequence of solutions.


May Allah help all of us.

Simple/General or Active Voice Formula Optative Sentences to Passive Voice

May + S + V + O

(May Allah help them.)Passive Voice Formula for Optative Sentences to Passive Voice

May + O(In subject form) + be + 3V + by + S(In object form)
May + O + be + 3V + by + S
(May they be helped by Allah.)

Also Learn: Easy Method for Past Indefinite Tense to Passive Voice

Exercise for Optative Sentences to Passive Voice

We must keep in mind the rules before proceeding. Solve the sentences step by step similarly we have done before. The word ‘by’ is a default word because it is a part of the formula and is written right before the object. Therefore, the following are the solved sentences.

May Allah help us in every case.  (A.V)
May we be helped in every case by Allah.  (P.V)

Without a doubt, may he get the first position  (A.V)

Without a doubt, may the first position be gotten by him.  (P.V)

May she live a long but pious life.  (A.V)
May long life but pious be lived by her. (P.V)

May particularly they earn good profit.  (A.V)
May particularly good profit be earned by them.  (P.V)

May our country achieve good GDP.  (A.V)
May good GDP be achieved by our country.  (P.V)

Learn Also: Changing Optative Sentences to Indirect Speech

May my son get a good grading score.  (A.V)
May a good grading score be gotten by my son.  (P.V)

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May the World get peace and prosperity.  (A.V)
May peace and prosperity be gotten by the World.  (P.V)

May the Government pave this way.  (A.V)
May this way be paved by the Government.  (P.V)

May the farmers earn reasonable crops outcome.  (A.V)
May reasonable crops outcome be earned by the farmers.  (P.V)

May I complete my project.  (A.V)
May my project be completed by me.  (P.V)

Also Learn: Future Indefinite to Passive Voice

Remember: ‘May’ does not refer to Question here

May I purchase a new iPhone soon.  (A.V)
May the new iPhone be purchased soon by me.  (P.V)

May the poor also live a long life.  (A.V)
May long life be also lived by the poor.  (P.V)

May your child get a good height.  (A.V)
May good height be gotten by your child.  (P.V)

May this business give you your requirement.  (A.V)
May your requirement be given to you by this business.  (P.V)

May we solve this question in a moment.  (A.V)
May this question be solved by us in a moment.  (P.V)

May they win the bit.  (A.V)

May the bit be won by them.  (P.V)

May he get the loss in the business. (A.V)
May the loss be gotten by him in the business. (P.V)

Also Learn: Easy Method for Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice

May my son and daughter enjoy good health. (A.V)
May the good health be enjoyed by my son and daughter. (P.V)

May my mobile get good battery life. (A.V)
May a good battery life be gotten by my mobile. (P.V)

Remember: Use 3rd Form of the Verb Right After ‘be’

May the tailor stitch my shirt in time. (A.V)
May my shirt be stitched in time by the tailor. (P.V)

May the patient recover from the fatal disease very soon. (A.V)
May the fatal disease be recovered by the patient very soon. (P.V)

May he approach the officer for his matter. (A.V)
May the officer be approached by him for his matter. (P.V)

May the engineers develop an electronic car. (A.V)
May an electronic car be developed by the engineers. (P.V)

May the underdeveloped countries get a reasonable GDP.(A.V)
May a reasonable GDP be gotten by the underdeveloped countries. (P.V)

May the fresh graduates get the initial jobs soon. (A.V)
May the initial jobs be gotten by the fresh graduates soon. (P.V)

May the backward areas receive the best Government packages. (A.V)
May the best Government packages be received by the backward areas. (P.V)

May he get a good position in society again. (A.V)

ReadComplete Lesson on Optative Sentence

May a good position be gotten by him in society again. (P.V)

May the owner treat all staff in the same way. (A.V)

May all the staff be treated in the same way by the owner. (P.V)

May he lead his life in the same way as his father. (A.V)

May his life be led in the same way as his father. (P.V)

May his neighbor also get the same job. (A.V)

May the same job be gotten by his neighbor. (P.V)

May he achieve his purposes as previously. (A.V)

May his purposes be achieved as previously. (P.V)

May he get his eyesight clearly. (A.V)

May he be gotten his eyesight clearly. (P.V)

May I write the article before the next session. (A.V)

May the article be written by me before the next session. (P.V)

FAQs about Optative Sentences to Passive Voice

How do you change optative sentences into passive voice?

To change an optative sentence (a sentence that expresses a wish or desire) into the passive voice, you need to identify the subject and the verb of the sentence and then make the subject the object of the verb. Then, you need to add a form of the auxiliary verb “be” before the past participle of the main verb.

For example:
Active Voice: “I wish I could swim fast like an expert.”
Passive Voice: “It is wished that I could be swum fast like an expert.”

What is the example of optative?

An optative sentence states a wish or a desire. An example of an optative sentence is “May you have a happy birthday.” The word “may” indicates that the speaker is expressing a wish for the person to have a happy birthday

What is optative sentence Give examples?

An optative sentence expresses a wish or desire. Here are five examples of optative sentences:
“May you have a wonderful day.”
“I wish I could go to the beach.”
“God bless you.”
“I hope you feel better soon.”
“I pray that you find happiness.”
It can also be used in a more formal or literary style,
Note that the optative mood can be expressed using different grammatical forms and tenses, such as modal verbs or subjunctive forms.

How do you find optative sentences?

There are a few ways to identify optative sentences:

Modal verbs: Optative sentences often use modal verbs such as “may,” “might,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “can,” and “will” to express a desire or wish. For example, “May you have a wonderful day” the word “may” express a wish for the person to have a wonderful day.

Subjunctive forms: Some optative sentences use subjunctive forms of verbs to express a desire or wish. For example, “I wish I were at the beach” the subjunctive form of “be” is used to express a desire to be at the beach.

Expressions of desire or hope: Optative sentences often use words or phrases that express a desire or hope, such as “I wish,” “I hope,” “I pray,” “O that,” “would that,” etc.

Expressions of blessing: Some optative sentences use expressions of blessing or good wishes, such as “God bless you” or “Bless you”
In literature or poetry, you can find optative sentences by looking for phrases or expressions that convey desire, wish or a hope, or expressing a hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situation, or in a form of a prayer.

It’s worth noting that it’s not always easy to identify optative sentences and sometimes context is needed to understand the meaning.

What is the tag question of optative sentence?

An optative sentence is a sentence that expresses a wish or desire, and the tag question of an optative sentence would typically reflect that wish or desire.
A tag question is a question added at the end of a statement, usually to confirm or check the listener’s understanding. The tag question of an optative sentence would typically use a modal verb (e.g. “may,” “might,” “could,” “should,” “would,” “can,” “will” ) to reflect the wish or desire expressed in the statement.
For example:
“May you have a wonderful day?” – the tag question states the wish expressed in the statement by using the modal verb “may”.
It’s worth noting that not all optative sentences will have a tag question, and sometimes context is needed to understand the meaning. Additionally, Tag questions are more common in spoken language, but can be found in written language as well.

Is optative a mood?

Yes, optative is a mood in grammar.
In grammar, mood refers to the way a verb is used to indicate the speaker’s attitude towards the action or state described by the verb. There are several moods, such as indicative, imperative, subjunctive, and optative.
The indicative mood is used to make statements of fact or to ask questions. The imperative mood is used for commands or make requests. The subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations. The optative mood refers to express wishes or desires.
For example, “I am going to the store” (indicative), “Go to the store” (imperative), “If I were going to the store” (subjunctive) and “May you have a wonderful day” (optative) are different examples of the use of mood in grammar.
It is worth noting that the use of mood in grammar can vary between languages, and some languages may not have all the moods mentioned here

How do you change optative sentences into passive voice?

To change an optative sentence into passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Change the subject of the sentence to the object of the passive sentence.

2. Add the verb “to be” in the appropriate tense and mood, followed by the past participle of the verb.

3. Add the preposition “by” followed by the agent of the passive sentence.

For example, the optative sentence “May you be happy” can be changed into the passive voice sentence “You may be made happy.”

Here are more examples:

Optative: May God bless you.
Passive: You may be blessed by God.

Optative: May your dreams come true.
Passive: Your dreams may be made true.

Optative:  May peace be upon you.
Passive: You may be granted peace.

Optative: May the force be with you.
Passive: You may be accompanied by the force.

Optative:  May you have a wonderful day.
Passive: You may be given a wonderful day.

It is important to note that not all optative sentences can be changed into passive voice.

For example, the optative sentence “May it rain” cannot be changed into passive voice because it does not have a direct object.

Additionally, passive voice is often less concise and direct than active voice. Therefore, it is important to use passive voice judiciously.

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