Easy Method for Future Perfect Tense to Passive Voice

Future Perfect to Passive Voice with definition, example, formula, examples with negative, interrogative, and interro-negative sentences.

Future Perfect Tense to Passive Voice

Students Learning Outcomes(SLOs) Future Perfect to Passive Voice

  • The students and learners will be able to learn about:
  • The formula of Future Perfect Tense Active Voice Sentences.
  • The formula of Future Perfect Tense Passive Voice Sentences.
  • Rules and Tricks.
  • Use of verbs with helping verbs. (IIIV with, will have been/shall have been).
  • Change of Positive Sentences to Passive Voice.
  • Change of Negative Sentences to Passive Voice.
  • Change of Interrogative Sentences to Passive Voice.
  • Change of Interro-negative Sentences to Passive Voice.
  • Solved Exercise (Future Perfect Tense to Passive Voice).

General Formula Of Future Perfect Tense

S +  Will have / shall have + 3rd form of Verb + O

Active Voice Formula 

Subject + Will or Shall Have + 3rd form of verb + Object

Active Voice formula or general Formula is same thing.

Passive Voice Formula

Object + Will or Shall Have + been + 3rd form of verb

I shall have written a letter. (A.V).


Put the object from the active voice at the start of the passive voice sentence. Now, it (object) will be treated as a subject.

Put ‘will have’ after the subject.

Put the 3rd form of the verb unchanged because 3rd form of the verb is required for passive voice sentences.

Let us get started to solve a sentence given below:

A letter will have been written by me. (P.V)

Solved Exercise Future Perfect to Passive Voice

(Positive Sentences Future Perfect to Passive Voice)

1.He will have eaten a piece of bread.

A piece of bread will have been eaten by him.

2.He will have played cricket.

Cricket will have been played by him.

3.He will have taken tea.

Tea will have been taken by him.

4.They will have worn the cricket kit.

The cricket kit will have been worn by them.

5.She will have cleaned her room.

Her room will have been cleaned by her.

6.We shall have plucked the flowers yesterday.

The flowers will have been plucked by us yesterday.

7.My mother will have washed the clothes.

The clothes will have been washed by my mother.

8.A plumber will have repaired all the taps.

All the taps will have been repaired by a plumber.

9.Father will have given money to his daughter.

Money will have been given to his daughter by father.

10.The children will have made a very pinching noise.

A very pinching noise will have been made by the children.

11.She will have driven a car carefully.

A car will have been driven by her carefully.

12.All the friends will have cooked the chicken.

The chicken will have been cooked by all the friends.

13.Asma will have appreciated her younger sister.

Her younger sister will have been appreciated by Asma.

14.Usman will have used a laptop.

A laptop will have been used by Usman.

15.Moosa will have bought the toys.

The toys will have been bought by Moosa.

16.Some children will have drunk milk.

Milk will have been drunk by some children.

17.They will have drawn a sketch of the car on paper.

A sketch of the car will have been drawn by them on paper.

18.The old people will have told very interesting stories.

Very interesting stories will have been told by the old people.

19.Amina will have switched on the computer.

The computer will have been switched on by Amina.

20.The English teacher will have punished the students regularly.

The students will have been punished by the English teacher regularly.

21.The mother will have fed her baby.

Her baby will have been fed by the mother.

22.We will have done our homework.

Our homework will have been done by us.

23.The peon will have opened the door.

The door will have been opened by the peon.

24.We will have eaten soup with every lunch.

Soup will have been eaten by us with every lunch.

25.The girls will have plucked the sunflowers in the garden.

The sunflowers will have been plucked by the girls in the garden.

26.The students will have asked productive questions.

Productive questions will have been asked by the students.

27.She will have solved grammar sentences.

Grammar sentences will have been solved by her.

28.He excessively will have used the cell phone.

The cell phone will have been used by him excessively.

29.Only poor people will have paid tax.

Tax will have been paid by only poor people.

30.The monkeys will have eaten bananas.

Bananas will have been eaten by the monkeys.

31.A farmer will have killed a dangerous snake.

A dangerous snake will have been killed by a farmer.

32.They will have run a business.

A business will have been run by them.

33.The officer will have collected mail daily.

Mail will have been collected by the officer daily.

34. Imran Nazir will have made a big hundred.

A big hundred will have been made by Imran Nazir.

35. Ronaldo will have scored five goals in one match.

Five goals will have been scored by Ronaldo in one match.

36. The engineers will have designed a new car.

A new model car will have been designed by the engineers.

37. The students will have made class charts.

Class charts will have been made by the students.

38.I shall have done exercise.

exercise will have been done by me.

39.He will have chased me.

I shall have been chased by him.

40.She will have chosen the red shoes.

The red shoes will have been chosen by her.

41.He will have caught a small bird.

A small bird will have been caught by him.

42. The students will have cleaned the classrooms.

The classrooms will have been cleaned by the students.

43.She will have filled the dust bin with garbage.

Dust bin will have been filled with garbage by her.      OR

Dust bin will have been filled by her with garbage.

44.I shall have used the blue pen.

The blue pen will have been used by me.

45.He will have saved money.

Money will have been saved by him.

46.They will have done heavy lunch.

Heavy lunch will have been done by them.

47.We shall have constructed our homeland.

Our homeland will have been constructed by us.

  1. He will have written articles on different topics.

Articles on different topics will have been written by him. OR

Articles will have been written by him on different topics.

  1. Bilal will have made a funny laugh.

A funny laugh will have been made by Bilal.

  1. You will have given a lecture on Biology.

A lecture on biology will have been given by you. OR

A lecture will have been given by you on Biology.

Negative Sentences Future Perfect to Passive Voice

They will not have won the hockey match. (A.V)

Simplify the sentence:

They will have won the hockey match.         (1st Step)                                                                         

Convert it into passive voice as did earlier.

The hockey match will have been won by  them. (2nd Step)                                                  

Put ‘not’ after helping verb in passive voice.

The hockey match will not have been won by them.  (Final Step)       

Solved Exercise Future Perfect to Passive Voice

We shall not have done our homework. (A.V)

We shall have done our homework. (1st Step) 

Our homework will have been done by us. (2nd Step)

Our homework will not have been done by us.(Final Step)

51.He will not have eaten a loaf of bread.

A loaf of bread will not have been eaten by him.

52.He will not have played cricket.

Cricket will not have been played by him.

53.He will not have taken tea.

Tea will not have been taken by him.

54.They will not have worn the cricket kit.

The Cricket kit will not have been worn by them.

55.She will not have cleaned her room.

Her room will not have been cleaned by her.

56.We will not have plucked the flowers yesterday.

The flowers will not have been plucked by us yesterday.

57.My mother will not have washed the clothes.

The clothes will not have been washed by my mother.

58.A plumber will not have repaired all the taps.

All the taps will not have been repaired by a plumber.

59.Father will not have given money to his daughter.

Money will not have been given to his daughter by father.

60.The children will not have made very pinching noise.

Very pinching noise will not have been made by the children.

61.She will not have driven a car carefully.

A car will not have been driven by her carefully.

62.All the friends will not have cooked the chicken.

The chicken will not have been cooked by all the friends.

63.Asma will not have appreciated her younger sister.

Her younger sister will not have been appreciated by Asma.

64.Usman will not have used the laptop.

The laptop will not have been used by Usman.

65.Moosa will not have bought the toys.

The toys will not have been bought by Moosa.

66.Some children will not have drunk milk.

Milk will not have been drunk by some children.

67.They will not have drawn a sketch of the car on paper.

A sketch of the car will not have been drawn by them on paper.

68.The old people will not have told very interesting stories.

Very interesting stories will not have been told by the old people.

69.Amina will not have switched on the computer.

The computer will not have been switched on by Amina.

70.The English teacher will not have punished the students regularly.

The students will not have been punished by the English teacher regularly.

71.The mother will not have fed her baby.

Her baby will not have been fed by the mother.

72.We will not have done our homework.

Our homework will not have been done by us.

73.The peon will not have opened the door.

The door will not have been opened by the peon.

74.We will not have eaten soup with every lunch.

Soup will not have been eaten by us with every lunch.

75.The girls will not have plucked the sunflowers in the garden.

The sunflowers will not have been plucked by the girls in the garden.

76.The students will not have asked productive questions.

Productive questions will not have been asked by the students.

77.She will not have solved grammar sentences.

Grammar sentences will not have been solved by her.

78.He excessively will not have used the cell phone.

The cell phone will not have been used by him excessively.

79.Only poor people will not have paid tax.

Tax will not have been paid by only poor people.

80.The monkeys will not have eaten bananas.

Bananas will not have been eaten by the monkeys.

81.A farmer will not have killed a dangerous snake.

A dangerous snake will not have been killed by a farmer.

82.They will not have run a business.

A business will not have been run by them.

83.The officer will not have collected mail daily.

Mail will not have been collected by the officer daily.

84.Imran Nazir will not have made a big hundred.

A big hundred will not have been made by Imran Nazir.

85.Ronaldo will not have scored five goals in one match.

Five goals will not have been scored by Ronaldo in one match.

86.The engineers will not have designed a new car.

A new model car will not have been designed by the engineers.

  1. The students will not have made class charts.

Class charts will not have been made by the students.

88.I will not have done exercise.

Exercise will not have been done by me.

89.He will not have chased me.

I shall not have been chased by him.

90.She will not have chosen the red shoes.

The red shoes will not have been chosen by her.

91.He will not have caught a small bird.

A small bird will not have been caught by him.

92.The students will not have cleaned the classrooms.

The classrooms will not have been cleaned by the students.

93.She will not have filled the dust bin with garbage.

Dust bin will not have been filled with garbage by her.      OR

Dust bin will not have been filled by her with garbage.

94.I shall not have used the blue pen.

The blue pen will not have been used by me.

95.He will not have saved money.

Money will not have been saved by him.

96.They will not have done heavy lunch.

Heavy lunch will not have been done by them.

97.We shall not have constructed our homeland.

Our homeland will not have been constructed by us.

98.He will not have written articles on different topics.

Articles on different topics will not have been written by him. OR

Articles will not have been written by him on different topics.

99.Bilal will not have made a funny laugh.

A funny laugh will not have been made by Bilal.

  1. You will not have given a lecture on Biology.

A lecture on biology will not have been given by you. OR

A lecture will not have been given by you on Biology.

Interrogative Sentences Future Perfect to Passive Voice

Solved Exercise

Will you have learned the lesson? (A.V)

Again simplify the sentence:

You will have learned the lesson.   (1st Step) 

Convert to passive voice:

Lesson will have been learnt by you.    (2nd Step)                                                   

Put the helping verb (will) at the start:

Will lessons have been learned by you? (Final Step)

Shall I have opened the door? (A.V)

I shall have opened the door. (1st Step) 

The door will have been opened by me. (2nd Step)

Will the door have been opened by me? (Final Step)

  1. Had he eaten bread?

Had bread been eaten by him?

  1. Had he played cricket?

Had cricket been played by him?

  1. Had he taken tea?

Had tea been taken by him?

  1. Had they worn cricket kit.

Had cricket kit been worn by them?

  1. Had she cleaned her room?

Had her room been cleaned by her?

  1. Had we plucked the flowers yesterday?

Had the flowers been plucked by us yesterday?

  1. Had my mother washed the clothes?

Had the clothes been washed by my mother?

  1. Had a plumber repaired all the taps?

Had all the taps been repaired by a plumber?

  1. Had father given money to his daughter?

Had money been given to his daughter by father?

  1. Had the children made a very pinching noise?

Had very pinching noise been made by the children?

  1. Had she driven a car carefully?

Had a car been driven by her carefully?

  1. Had all the friends cooked chicken?

Had chicken been cooked by all the friends?

  1. Had Asma appreciated her younger sister?

Had her younger sister been appreciated by Asma?

  1. Had Usman used the laptop?

Had the laptop been used by Usman?

115.Had Moosa bought the toys?

Had the toys been bought by Moosa?

  1. Had some children drunk milk?

Had milk been drunk by some children?

  1. Had they drawn a sketch of the car on paper?

Had a sketch of the car been drawn by them on paper?

  1. Had the old people told very interesting stories?

Had very interesting stories been told by the old people?

  1. Had Amina switched on the computer?

Had the computer been switched on by Amina?

  1. Had the English teacher punished the students regularly?

Had the students been punished by the English teacher regularly?

  1. Had the mother fed her baby?

Had her baby been fed by the mother?

  1. Had we done our homework?

Had our homework been done by us?

  1. Had the peon opened the door?

Had the door been opened by the peon?

  1. Had we eaten soup with every lunch?

Had soup been eaten by us with every lunch?

  1. Had the girls plucked the sunflowers in the garden?

Had the sunflowers been plucked by the girls in the garden?

  1. Had the students asked productive questions?

Had productive questions been asked by the students?

  1. Had she solved grammar sentences?

Had grammar sentences been solved by her?

  1. Had he used the cell phone?

Had the cell phone been used by him?

  1. Had only poor people paid tax?

Had tax been paid by only poor people?

  1. Had the monkeys eaten the bananas?

Had the bananas been eaten by the monkeys?

  1. Had a farmer killed a dangerous snake?

Had a dangerous snake been killed by a farmer?

  1. Had they run a business?

Had a business been run by them?

  1. Had the officer collected mail daily?

Had mail been collected by the officer daily?

  1. Had Imran Nazir made a big hundred?

Had a big hundred been made by Imran Nazir?

  1. Had Ronaldo scored five goals in one match?

Had five goals been scored by Ronaldo in one match?

  1. Had the engineers designed a new car?

Had a new model car been designed by the engineers?

  1. Had the students made class charts?

Had class charts been made by the students?

  1. Had I done exercise?

Had exercise been done by me?

  1. Had he chased me?

Had I been chased by him?

  1. Had she chosen the red shoes?

Had the red shoes been chosen by her?

  1. Had he caught a small bird?

Had a small bird been caught by him?

142.Had the students cleaned the classrooms?

Had the classrooms been cleaned by the students?

  1. Had she filled the dust bin with garbage?

Had the dust bin been filled with garbage by her?      OR

Had the dust bin been filled by her with garbage?

  1. Had I used the blue pen?

Had the blue pen been used by me?

  1. Had he saved money?

Had money been saved by him?

  1. Had they done heavy lunch?

Had heavy lunch been done by them?

  1. Had we constructed our homeland?

Had our homeland been constructed by us?

  1. Had he written articles on different topics?

Had articles on different topics been written by him?  OR

Had articles been written by him on different topics?

  1. Had Bilal made a funny laugh?

Had a funny laugh been made by Bilal?

  1. Had you given a lecture on Biology?

Has a lecture on biology been given by you? OR

Had a lecture been given by you on Biology?

Interro-negative Sentences Future Perfect to Passive Voice

Had she not cooked the food? (A.V)

Simplify the sentence:

She had not cooked food. (1st Step)                 

She had cooked food. (2nd Step)          

Changing it into passive voice:

Food had been cooked by her. (3rd Step)

Put ‘not’ after helping verb in passive voice.

Food had not been cooked by her. (4th Step)

 Now, place the helping verb at the start of the sentence that is already available in the sentence.

Had food not been cooked by her? (Final Step)

Solved Exercise Future Perfect to Passive Voice

Shall I not have opened the door? (A.V)

I shall not have opened the door. (1st Step) 

I shall have opened the door. (2nd Step)

The door will have been opened by me. (3rd Step)

The door will not have been opened by me. (4th Step)

Will the door not have been opened by me? (Final Step)

151.Will he not have eaten bread?

He will not have eaten bread.

He will have eaten bread.

Bread will have been eaten by him.

Bread will not have been eaten by him.

Will bread not have been eaten by him?

  1. Will he not have played cricket?

He will have not played cricket.

He will have played cricket.

Cricket will have been played by him.

Cricket will not have been played by him.

Will cricket not have been played by him?

153.Will he not have taken tea?

Will tea not have been taken by him?

154.Will they not have worn cricket kit.

Will the cricket kit not have been worn by them?

155.Will she not have cleaned her room?

Will her room not have been cleaned by her?

156.Shall we not have plucked the flowers yesterday?

Will the flowers not have been plucked by us yesterday?

157.Will my mother not have washed the clothes?

Will the clothes not have been washed by my mother?

158.Will a plumber not have repaired all the taps?

Will all the taps not have been repaired by a plumber?

159.Will father not have given money to his daughter?

Will money not have been given to his daughter by father?

160.Will the children not have made a very pinching noise?

Will very pinching noise not have been made by the children?

161.Will she not have driven a car carefully?

Will a car not have been driven by her carefully?

162.Will all the friends not have cooked chicken?

Will chicken not have been cooked by all the friends?

163.Will Asma not have appreciated her younger sister?

Will her younger sister not have been appreciated by Asma?

164.Will Usman not have used the laptop?

Will the laptop not have been used by Usman?

165.Will Moosa not have bought the new toys?

Will the new toys not have been bought by Moosa?

166.Will some children not have drunk milk?

Will milk not have been drunk by some children?

167.Will they not have drawn a sketch of the car on paper?

Will a sketch of the car not have been drawn by them on paper?

168.Will the old people not have told very interesting stories?

Will very interesting stories not have been told by the old people?

169.Will Amina not have switched on the computer?

Will the computer not have been switched on by Amina?

170.Will the English teacher not have punished the students regularly?

Will the students not have been punished by the English teacher regularly?

171.Will the mother not have fed her baby?

Will her baby not have been fed by the mother?

172.Will we not have done our homework?

Will our homework not have been done by us?

173.Will the peon not have opened the door?

Will the door not have been opened by the peon?

174.Will we not have eaten soup with every lunch?

Will soup not have been eaten by us with every lunch?

175.Will the girls not have plucked the sunflowers in the garden?

Will the sunflowers not have been plucked by the girls in the garden?

176.Will the students not have asked productive questions?

Will productive questions not have been asked by the students?

177.Will she not have solved grammar sentences?

Will grammar sentences not have been solved by her?

178.Will he not have used the cell phone?

Will the cell phone not have been used by him?

179.Will only poor people not paid tax?

Will a tax not have been paid by only poor people?

180.Will the monkeys not have eaten the bananas?

Will the bananas not have been eaten by the monkeys?

181.Will a farmer not have killed a dangerous snake?

Will a dangerous snake not have been killed by a farmer?

182.Will they not have run a busines?

Will a business not have been run by them?

183.Will the officer not have collected mail daily?

Will mail not have been collected by the officer daily?

184.Will Imran Nazir not have made a big hundred?

Will a big hundred not have been made by Imran Nazir?

185.Will Ronaldo not have scored five goals in one match?

Will five goals not have been scored by Ronaldo in one match?

186.Will the engineers not have designed a new car?

Will a new model car not have been designed by the engineers?

187.Will the students not have made class charts?

Will class charts not have been made by the students?

188.Shall I not have done exercise?

Will exercise not have been done by me?

189.Will he not have chased me?

Shall I not have been chased by him?

190.Will she not have chosen the red shoes?

Will the red shoes not have been chosen by her?

191.Will he not have caught a small bird?

Will a small bird not have been caught by him?

192.Will the students not have cleaned the classrooms?

Will the classrooms not have been cleaned by the students?

193.Will she not have filled the dust bin with garbage?

Will the dust bin not have been filled with garbage by her?      OR

Will the dust bin not have been filled by her with garbage?

194.Shall I not have used a blue pen?

Will a blue pen not have been used by me?

195.Will he not have saved money?

Will money not have been saved by him?

196.Will they not have done heavy lunch?

Will heavy lunch not have been done by them?

197.Shall we not have constructed our homeland?

Will our homeland not have been constructed by us?

198.Will he not have written articles on different topics?

Will articles on different topics not have been written by him?  OR

Had articles not been written by him on different topics?

199.Will Bilal not have made a funny laugh?

Will a funny laugh not have been made by Bilal?

200.Will you not have given a lecture on Biology?

Will a lecture on biology not have been given by you? OR

Will a lecture not have been given by you on Biology?

You may also learn to get a complete topic

Active and Passive Voice

Past Indefinite Tense

Optative Sentences to Passive Voice

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